Spring Meadow
Baptist Church
An Independent, Bible-Believing, Fundamental, Baptist Church
Pastor's Page

Since 2001 Stephen Schwanke has served as our pastor. His preaching and teaching are helpful, practical, and always filled with Bible authority. He has been in the ministry since 1985, first as a youth pastor in Indiana and then as a pastor in Illinois. Pastor Schwanke has been a faithful servant of the Lord – encouraging young and old alike to begin a relationship with God and then to walk with Him.
A Word from Our Pastor
“My wife and I would like to invite you to visit with us at Spring Meadow Baptist Church. While this website has information to help you know our beliefs, Spring Meadow is far more than just doctrinal truth. There is a great spirit in the church family at Spring Meadow that we believe you will find refreshing. We are also confident you will enjoy the traditional services, friendly people, conservative music, and practical teaching and preaching that are so vital to meaningful living!”